
Stay or Go



Simplisme voor gevorderden deel 92

Breaking news!!

Why does the start of the new year carry such special symbolism? And why is its celebration so common around the world, as it has been for at least as long as there have been calendars? Behavior this ubiquitous must surely be tied to something intrinsic in the human animal, something profoundly meaningful and important, given all the energy and resources we invest not just in the celebration but also in our efforts to make good on a fresh set of resolutions, even though we mostly fail to keep them. It may be that the symbolism we attach to this moment is rooted in one of the most powerful motivations of all: ourย motivationย to survive. (source: David Ropeik)

Have a safe transition to the new year ๐Ÿ˜‰

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To whomever

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Wise words of wisdom ๐Ÿ˜‰

Take a chance

Sit back and observe

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(Bron: pinterest)

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Simplisme voor gevorderden deel 83 Declutter

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The Dutch, always consciously competent ๐Ÿ˜‰

Nutritional facts

Level 1 โ€“ Lifeless/Apathetic: โ€œI am demoralized/There is nothing I can do to change this situation.โ€

Level 2 โ€“ Reluctant/Stagnating: โ€œI am frustrated/There is no point trying too hard.โ€

Level 3 โ€“ Controlled/Orderly: โ€œI need to be in control/Iโ€™m reluctant to share information.โ€

Level 4 โ€“ Enthusiastic/Collaborative: โ€œWe can achieve great things as a team/I respect myself and others.โ€

Level 5 โ€“ Unlimited/Unbounded: โ€œI inspire others to achieve their unlimited potential/I am living a fulfilled life.โ€

Emergent leadership


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Just a reminder… make empathy great again ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Vandaag vijfhonderd jaar nadat hij stierf in Amboise, zijn zijn kunstwerken, wetenschappelijke onderzoeken, schetsen en tekeningen van hedendaagse gebruiksvoorwerpen en gedachtegoed nog steeds levend.

Was getekend, Io Leonardo.

(Hij is de inspiratiebron voor “De DaVinci methode”, vanuit verwondering wijs worden.)

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Ik schreef al eerder over deze inspirerende Nyenrode prof, lees hier, een vrijmoedige spreker die one liners bezigt als: โ€œFuck the rulesโ€ en โ€œlef en leuk horen bij elkaarโ€ of โ€œzonder bluf is het leven dufโ€.

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